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1 min read
Does a hypermobility score of 9/9 mean you are more severely affected?
Some doctors will give tell their patients their hypermobility 'score'. Does a high score mean more severely affected?

3 min read
A hypermobile parent's perspective on supporting their hypermobile child: Starting school.
A parent shares some things that are helping their hypermobile child to thrive as they start school.

1 min read
Neurodivergence and hypermobility
Research has linked various types of neurodivergence to hypermobility, and it needs to be taken into account when managing hypermobility.

1 min read
Do hormones affect hypermobility?
We've known the menstrual cycle messes with symptomatic hypermobility for decades. We first thought PMT was causing people to feel worse...

1 min read
Did you know that clumsiness and poor coordination can be part of hypermobility?
While clumsiness has many causes, one possible one is hypermobility - and understanding this can help us to understand ourselves and to...

1 min read
Symptoms of hypermobility
Hypermobility can be associated with a wide range of symptoms. Here's some simple infographics giving an overview of those symptoms.

1 min read
Kids & Teens, with Lara 31/1/2035
I thought I would share a hobby that me and my teens have all found super enjoyable but also very hypermobility friendly. Although...

1 min read
Hypermobility: Menopause, Hormone Health and Long Term Health Planning
An overview of how hormones can interact with hypermobility during menopause, and information on HRT.

2 min read
Kids & Teens 11/10/24
This week I thought I’d talk about mindset, mainly because it’s been brought to the forefront by a specialist physio that I’m seeing. A...

2 min read
Kids & Teens! 4/10/24
This week, I thought I’d share one of our recent learning experiences with you all. My eldest daughter dislocated her shoulder while at...

2 min read
Kids & Teens, with Lara 30th August 2024
As we prepare for the new school year, with both of my children transitioning into new Key Stages, we’ve encountered natural anxiety,...

11 min read
The neuroscience behind pain
A straight forward, laymans explanation of the neuroscience behind pain - both short term and long term (chronic) pain.

4 min read
On the Road, with Kids & Teens blogger Lara
Good evening! I’m back from holiday and thought I’d mix things up by posting on a Tuesday instead of the usual Friday—keeping you on your...

2 min read
"What's the best pillow for symptomatic hypermobility?" It's one of our most frequently asked questions (see also mattresses, but we'll...

2 min read
Kids & Teens with Lara - more on bladders!
I thought we could talk bladders again. I have mentioned before that hypermobility can cause a whole range of bladder problems, e.g....

2 min read
Celebrating ten years of service!
I cannot believe it has been 10 years!!!!!!!!! I started in the summer as the Peterborough support group leader and the December I...

2 min read
International Wheelchair Day 2024
Happy #InternationalWheelchairDay 🥳 I didn't know this was a thing until earlier today, but as a new active wheelchair user it felt...

7 min read
Dysautonomia in Hypermobility Syndromes
Dysautonomia is the medical term given to a disorder of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS is responsible for the...

1 min read
Participating in Research...
I was curious when the HMSA and EDS UK shared a call out for participants in a study to evaluate the effect of mindfulness meditation on...
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