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Did you know that clumsiness and poor coordination can be part of hypermobility?

Hannah Ensor

While clumsiness has many causes, one possible one is hypermobility - and understanding this can help us to understand ourselves and to manage our symptoms better.

Infographic clumsiness and hypermobility 1/4: Have you often been called clumsy for falling over easily, [one stickman toppling over sideways, another just tripped over nothing]

Infographic clumsiness and hypermobility 2/4: ...walking into door frames, dropping things... [3 stickmen tripping over, and bumping into different doorframes]
Infographic clumsiness and hypermobility 3/4:  and have (or had) a reputation for being flexible or double jointed? [one stickman sat with their foot behind their head, the other doing a backbend.

Infographic clumsiness and hypermobility 4/4: Understanding hypermobility might be your missing link!  Hypermobility is commonly linked to clumsiness - with poor joint awareness meaning our body isn’t always where our brain thinks it is, and hypermobile joints being more easily injured and harder to control.
This combination can make us more accident prone - and more easily injured.  For more information, see:

For more information on what hypermobility is, the impact it can have, and how it can be managed, see What is Hypermobility | The HMSA



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