As we prepare for the new school year, with both of my children transitioning into new Key Stages, we’ve encountered natural anxiety, particularly having received exam results last week.
One thing that really struck me as we were collecting GCSE results, is just how much harder my child had worked than most of her peers. Which ultimately meant that some results were disappointing for her, as it didn’t reflect the effort put in.

This is where the hard work of parenting a child with additional needs comes in - we need to convince them that these tests, and this system may not recognise their effort, but WE (and actually her teachers) do.
These grades, whether they were disappointing or not, do not reflect their personality, and I for one am especially proud that I have kids that would stand up for others, or for something they believe to be wrong. I am proud that they check the road for me when I am in my wheelchair without me even asking.
I am ever so proud that my eldest especially has a unique creative streak, and the ability to teach herself skills - unfortunately, skills that are not recognised by our school system, for example her ability to crochet all manner of items. And I do believe some of her art deserves to be shared (with permission of course).
For any others that just received exam results, I want you to know that you are so much more than your results - good or not so good. I am a firm believer that you can learn at any age! I retrained in my 30’s and although i am no longer able to work, I have found a fulfilling life, writing blogs, being creative, and slowing down my life. Our lives with additional needs and disabilities may look different to others’ but they need not be any less happy. And in the end, it’s their kindness, creativity, and resilience that truly define them, not a number on a paper.
How do you help your children navigate the challenges of the school system? I’d love to hear your stories.