Chronic Illness Parenting Study
Parenting children with Chronic Illness

My name is Alexa, and I'm a student at the University of Stirling. Under the supervision of Dr Line Caes, I am currently investigating compassion fatigue and satisfaction in parents who care for a chronically ill child, with particular attention to parents who share a diagnosis with their child. There's, unfortunately, a lack of research in this area, and I hope this study may help lessen that gap.
The study consists of a 10 minute online questionnaire that, if completed, will enter the participant into a prize draw for 1 of 5 £5 vouchers. After completion of the questionnaire, participants are asked to participate in an optional, 30 minute interview for which they will be given a £10 voucher. This study has received ethical approval from the General University Ethics Panel at the University of Stirling (reference number 2022 8151 6833), and all data will be anonymised.